
Beetroot Panoptès

Born from the complex labyrinth of wires in vast data centers, "Beetroot Panoptès" is part of the series "Data-Deities".

AI-generated deities emerge not as a symbol of tech dominance, but as ambassadors for harmony between the digital and the natural worlds.

It was forged within the inspiration of the physical realms, exists in the intangible realms of data and algorithms, symbolizing the potential for technology to be an ally in our quest to understand and preserve our natural world.
"Data Deities" series' will is to articulate the question of balancing human creativity and Algorithm-based poetry. It is meant to make visible entities born from a curated technological collective consciousness. All of them were created with an obsolete AI model, reminding us of the rapid pace technology is imposing. Fragments of time, they are the embodiment of everything that comes to life in the cloud. By animating these 'cable-connected' entities with a simple breath and eye-blink, I suggest a psyche, a soul that goes beyond the screens where they inhabit.

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